Pascal Schmidt | Design and Illustration | Portfolio
Headline Work
Colory - Pairs-Game Colory - Pairs-Game Colory - Pairs-Game Colory - Pairs-Game Colory - Pairs-Game Colory - Pairs-Game Colory - Pairs-Game Colory - Pairs-Game Colory - Pairs-Game Colory - Pairs-Game Colory - Pairs-Game Colory - Pairs-Game

Colory - Pairs-Game

illustration, game, concept, color

Colory is a board game based on the 'pairs-principle'. There are pairs of cards that need to be found. In each round every player turns around two cards, which are layed down on the ground with their top side. If a player finds a pair, he retains it. When there are no cards left, the person with the most cards wins .

Colory plays with the color prejudices, so it has unequal pairs.

Because of the 'wrong' colors, you need to remember more attributes than usual: The form and the color. This challenge is way more difficult than finding two identical pairs. You have to think about the pairs before and you need a good memory. What a challenging game!

Work in progress...